About us

Beautiful Food

The APPG on Geographically Protected Foods was created in 2020, to bring together parliamentarians from the House of Commons and the House of Lords to promote the UK's wonderful Geographical Indicators. 65 food products in the United Kingdom are protected as GIs, from Arbroath Smokies to Welsh Lamb, to Somerset Cider Brandy to Melton Mowbray Pork Pies. Together, these foods represent the rich and varied cultural and culinary history of our four nations, and are some of the best food products produced in the United Kingdom.

Over the coming Parliament, the APPG aims to improve the UK's GI scheme; to make it more responsive to the needs producers, raise the profile of GIs with consumers both at home and abroad, and to ensure more of the UK's great food products get the recognition they deserve.

We have received strong support from the UK Government, and we are currently undertaking a consultation with producers, consumers and other businesses and civil society organisations to solicit their views on how the scheme can be improved. To answer the survey yourself, please click here.